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Selectmen's & BAC's Minutes 12/19/2006
Town Hall

December 19, 2006

RESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach and Richard Leone.  Budget Advisory Committee members Arthur Muller, Charles Balyeat, Stephen Nilsen, Michael Snow and Scott Unsworth.

ABSENT:  Selectman Frederick Gallup.

OTHERS:  Fire Chief Dan Ruggles, Librarian John Walden, Road Agent Tony Bergeron, Police Chief David Cahill and Library Trustee Peter Urbach.

Donna Nashawaty updated the Budget Advisory Committee with the warrant article for the community TV presentation and the revised police cruiser article.  

Police Chief David Cahill was present to discuss the articles for the lease or purchase of two police cruisers.  One article would allow the leasing of two cruisers.  The second would allow the purchase of two cruisers with a withdrawal from capital reserve.  The BAC and Board of Selectmen both approved the second option of purchasing the vehicles.  Arthur Muller expressed concern that the town may turn this down and this would leave the Police Department with no new cruisers.  Charlie Balyeat stated that the Chief should be prepared to explain the need for two cruisers at the deliberative session.

Stephen Nilsen stated that he thought the Board of Selectmen and Budget Advisory Committee should revisit the procedures of the BAC.  It was agreed that this will be planned to do in March of 2007, after Town Meeting.

Arthur Miller informed the Selectmen of the actions of the Budget Advisory Committee at their last meeting.  The Selectmen have submitted a budget with an increase of 7.2%.  The BAC would like to hold the increase at 5.8%.  This includes the COLA of 3.3% and the 2.5% increase in the operations of the Safety Services Building.  

Other items the BAC recommends are:

1.  A hiring freeze.  The BAC feels that even though the services of the new maintenance man are very valuable, he should remain at 32 hours a week for 2007.

2.  The BAC would like to see “zero based” funding.

3.  The BAC would like the Selectmen to look at the school co-pay vs. the towns.  

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 19, 2006

4.  The BAC would like the wording on the article for the old Town Hall to read “Are you in favor of selling the old Town Hall?”  Donna Nashawaty stated she would ask the
Livery Renovation Committee if they would approve of this change since they submitted the article.  

5.  The BAC would like to see a total inventory of Town properties.  Donna Nashawaty pointed out that the inventory was included in the annual Town Report.  She will get a printout of this report for the BAC.  Discussion was held on the possible disposal of some of the town owned properties.

6.  The BAC would like to see the Water and Sewer Department become a part of the town and would be under the direction of the Town Manager.  They feel this would result in some savings.

7.  The BAC asked for explanation of the overtime budget in the Police Department.  Chief Cahill explained that this included special detail monies.  These funds are reimbursed by the user of the special detail officer and is an in and out budget amount which is 100% reimbursed.

8.  The BAC is planning on making comparisons of budgets of surrounding communities.  Donna Nashawaty, Chief Cahill and Tony Bergeron cautioned the committee to make sure the communities were compatible.  Towns don’t often budget the same and line items may appear in another area.

9.  The BAC would like to see the Highway and Water and Sewer Departments get outside bids on projects rather than doing them themselves.  This may save in depreciation of equipment and labor.  Tony Bergeron stated that he has always done this and will continue as he does try to save money for the town.

10.  With regard to hauling trash, the BAC would like the Highway Department to investigate having a contract for the hauling and not doing it within the department.  Tony Bergeron stated that this has been investigated and that the payback to haul them is quick and great.

11.  The BAC questioned the purchase of a highway truck for $98,000.00 and the possible purchase of a smaller, less costly truck.  Tony Bergeron explained that the purchase of a smaller truck is more costly.  The larger truck fits in better in his replacement schedule.

Special Articles were discussed.  With regard to the budget article, the BAC would like to see an increase of 5.8%.

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 19, 2006

With regard to the article for monies for the Conservation Commission, the BAC would like to see a better explanation at the deliberative session.  

The BAC is not in favor of providing tax relief for revitalization.

The BAC is in favor of $10,000.00 for a government channel on cable.

The BAC is in favor of the $20,000.00 article to investigate the town’s affiliation with Sullivan County.

The BAC asked that the Selectmen investigate impact fees on new developments.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she believes this is a Planning Board project and would need to be on the warrant for town approval.  She will speak with Michael Marquise on this.  She also informed the BAC that the Selectmen would be holding a combined meeting with both the Zoning Administrator and Planning Director.  This is an item that could be discussed at that meeting.

Richard Leone complimented the BAC for their cooperation and efforts.  Peter Urbach also complimented the BAC stating he was extremely impressed with their actions.

Arthur Muller raised the issue of the special revenues for the Recreation Department.  The BAC would like to see a report of what funds are received and where they are expended.  They also feel that the Recreation Director should add a report to his annual town report explaining this.  

Arthur Muller shared a portion of the school audit report with the Selectmen.  

Donna Nashawaty wished to explain to the BAC that 6 months into 2007 the NH Retirement rates will increase and this is a fixed cost.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                     Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup